We’re exited to sent you our directors proposal for the Ziggo Connectivity-campaign. A selection that focusses on strong storytelling, actors directing and entertaining humor. Because of the dialogue we’re convinced a Dutch speaking director is key to get the best out of this story. We’ve also selected a few interesting (international orientated) DOP’s that could fit this project. So we aim for a strong combination of actors directing and cinematography.
Enjoy and let us know what you think!
Jelle loves variety. His golden rule is that good work has to feel real, even if the entire story isn’t presented, or utterly absurd. He believes in the power of humour, which is all about the people who are involved. It’s the mutual connection that matters, behind and in front of the camera.
Andre enjoys creating visual comedy. With his tongue-in-cheek humour he guides the audience through the playful, imaginative worlds he builds, accentuated by a combination of smart camera work and skillfully crafted production design.
Well known as a director and television producer, Mattias was already walking around with a camera at the age of 12. He’s good at funny films in his own distinctive style. His true talent? Mattias never makes a mountain out of a molehill, unless that’s what the job calls for.
The work of extremely gifted director Joris Dommels has often been described as mind-blowingly epic. Mostly by himself. When he’s not creating cinematic masterpieces, he likes to write short biographies about himself in third person.
Not to be confused with the Belgian cyclist of the same name, our Toon is multi-creative; director, photographer and musician. Toon strives for his work to arouse emotions. As he puts it, ‘a film should enthuse’. Have a look at his fine photography work by clicking this link below
photography Toon AertsHere’s our selection of international orientated DOP’s we think are interesting to team-up with our directors proposal.